
Journey into Holiness is unavailable, but you can change that!

Take a journey into holy living through God’s power. This collection of writings and hymns from classic and contemporary writers like John and Charles Wesley, Keith Drury, William Greathouse, Stan Toler and Clarence Bence will guide you on this quest. The pursuit of holiness is our God-given directive but the way is often unclear, and we sometimes struggle in our call to imitate God. Journey...

Too Few Spirit-Filled Christians! by Clyde C. Dupin Recently I’ve been studying the book of Acts. I have been tremendously impressed by the power of the Holy Spirit demonstrated through the surrendered lives of the apostles. As I observe their courage, power, joy, and holy living, the adequacy of the Holy Spirit is confirmed. When I compare their evangelism with the Church today, it hardly seems necessary to say that what the Church needs most is the power of the Holy Spirit. In the early days of
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